Built On Trust, Truth, & Transparency
I have a niche for storytelling and it's 100% diversified!
Mother & Daughter
What do you get when you put a Generation X mom in the same room with her Millennial daughter? MyFavor-iTGirl.
La and Ashley are "Doing-iTGirl," transitioning roles with individualism, exploring friendship on a brand new level, and embracing womanhood from a realistic perspective. Together, they're sharing their experiences and expectations with:
Generational gaps of health and wealth.
Influential parenting despite pop-culture society fads/trends.
Realistic goals and expectations for relationships.
Learning life lessons the right, wrong, and hard way.
Let's face it little girls grow up, form their own opinions, and start to make individual choices for themselves. But what happens when they don't get things right, or face a challenge you cannot prevent? My answer... tune in to MyFavor-iTGirl as they explore the Pod-stablities of transitioning roles and finding a healthy way of communicating at each stage of life.
Audio Book Coming Soon!